Mason's Smiles

Mason's Smiles

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Kittens are home!!

It's amazing what can happen in one week. One week ago, we went to a fall "fun" place that turned out to be no fun for us with Mason.  It was just another bad outing with him where we lasted 10 minutes. It left me crying on the way home. These situations happen often.  It wasn't exceptionally bad at all, but it was another common frustrating social/public situation.  I felt emotionally exhausted and defeated because I felt lost on how to deal with Mason or just sad that he can't deal with many new situations that most toddlers enjoy.  Fast forward one week later, AND we have our kittens for our Mason.  I know these kittens aren't going to magically make everything better, but it's a positive thing for him.  It feels good to have positive things happen when it can feel overwhelming to have a lot of negative situations.  It's amazing to reflect on how much can happen in a week and how much support and love we felt this week. I'm so excited to watch the relationship grow between Mason and his kittens.

This morning we bought all the kitten supplies.  Then we met the wonderful breeder in Lansing (  I wish we could have talked with them more, but it was so cold!

Zach is very excited about getting all our supplies especially since Mason was awful in Petsmart, so we had to complete the errand quickly.

Kittens on the way home.  They just snuggled in the carrier and barely meowed.

My dad watched Mason while we picked up the cats, and he was napping when we got back.  That was really nice since the kittens were scared enough being in a new place.  We set the up in our laundry room and played with them for a while.  They were both very playful and felt comfortable in that room.  They did not want to leave the room though.

Here is Yoda:

Here is kitten #2 because we can't decide on a name yet. (=

Right after Mason woke up from his nap, we brought him into the laundry room.  He was still really tired but sat right by the kittens.  We let him say hi to them and check them out for a little bit then we gave the scared kittens a little break. Later, Mason turned off Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and came upstairs to see the kittens.  I know, I can't believe he turned Mickey off in the middle either!  He was much more energetic this time.  The kittens were definitely scared, but they let me pick them up to show them to Mason.  They would run into their kitty litter for safety, which we tried telling Mason to let them be.  He did pretty well with it. He does not comprehend that these kittens are actually his, so it'll be fun once the kittens are comfortable in the house and start playing with him.  It will definitely take some time for the kittens to adjust to their new home.

Next is a link to the video clips of Mason and the kittens. It is a bunch of clips mashed together (don't mind the loud fan in the background for the first 10 seconds, that goes away).  Thank you all for making this possible for us!!


1 comment:

  1. It's really fun to see a video of Mason since I haven't seen him in so long! The kittens are really adorable. It just seems right for you to have cats again since you love them so much. :-)
