Mason's Smiles

Mason's Smiles

Monday, October 13, 2014

Top 10 Mason-isms

I think a hard part about writing this blog about Mason's SPD is that I feel like readers may only see the difficulties of Mason.  That's difficult because there are so many funny and great parts to him. So today I am going to tell you about my top 10 current favorite Mason-isms.

#10 - Swing face
Mason loves swinging.  Loves it.  Never wants to leave the swing.  When he has been swinging for a while, he sometimes goes into the "swing face."  He closes his eyes and/or squints then does a silly smile.  It is the face that says to me "all is right in my world."  I love seeing him so relaxed and at peace.  It's also really funny to watch him, so naturally, I start laughing.  Then he starts laughing and gets the giggles.  It's the best.

#9 - Messing with Mama and Dada
Mason really has a funny sense of humor that comes out in different ways since he doesn't talk beyond some words.  He loves to mess with Zach or I while we try to change his diaper.  I lay him down then he looks directly at me and smirks.  As soon as I see the smirk, I know it's not going to be an easy diaper change.  He will lock his legs or put his hands down his diaper, so I can't change him. The best part is how hard and how much he laughs.  He can't breath after a while because he is laughing so hard.  As much as this annoys me many times (and encouraging it makes it worse on us and our daycare provider - sorry), I LOVE the focused engagement and laughter coming from him.

#8 - Bedtime dances
If you are friends with me on facebook or instagram, you have probably seen some of the videos of Mason in his bedroom.  We have a video monitor, which can give us a lot of entertainment. Sometimes at the end of the day, he needs to dance or run in place.  His room is a total safe place for him.  He loves being in there.  He walks up to his room anytime we tell him it's time for "night-night." Then...he lets loose.

#7 - TV Dancing
Mason has an obsession with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and has recently added Little Einsteins to his repertoire. He doesn't sit and watch TV...he dances the majority of the time to the show.  He burns more calories watching TV than I have in the last week!  As sick as I am of watching these shows, I can't get enough of watching Mason.

#6 - Animal "hiiiiiiii"
Mason doesn't notice or say hi to many people.  If he sees an animal, he follows it until he can get in their face to look them in the eye and say "hiiiii."  It's sometimes strange to me because many of the animals don't run away or freak out like I would expect them to do.  I believe there is something innate in the animals allowing Mason to be by them.

#5 - Blow Kisses
This is a new one, and it's getting more consistent.  Whenever we leave someone, we try to get Mason to say "bye-bye" or blow kisses.  He usually just wants to move on and not acknowledge the person, but he has finally taken to blowing kisses.  Now that he figured this out, he doesn't just blow one's usually like 4 or 5 times. When he blows the kiss, he says "muah."  Mason will never give actual kisses no matter how much I try to get him to, so I will take him blowing me a kiss any day!!

#4 - Books
Mason loves certain books obsessively.  His favorite book is "Splat the Cat." He works himself up in excitement until the very end of the book when Splat falls in the fish tank, so he can slap the book when we say "Splat."  It never gets old to him....or us.

#3 - "No way" and "Yeah"
I remember very clearly the month where Mason could finally comprehend our questions.  It was June.  It has been the most helpful milestone that he has reached in developing his communication.  I don't know how he came up with saying "no way" instead of "no," but it's hilarious.  Whenever we figure out what Mason wants and ask him if he wants it, he says "yeah" it is with the highest level of happiness. Example: "Do you want fruit snack?" "Do you want to watch a Mickey?" "Do you want to go see grandma and grandpa?"  These will all elicit the happiest "yeahs" that you have ever heard. The video doesn't get a very clear "no way" or "yeah," but I think you can still get the gist of it.
#2 - Snuggles
Mason is the best snuggler ever.  Because he is sensory seeking, he loves a good snuggle.  I can't even tell you how many selfies I have taken of Mason snuggling with me.  The snuggles are especially important to me after he has had a rough day or tantrum because it helps me remember why it is all worth it.

#1 - Mason smiles
Most people have a nice smile.  I know that I am not biased at all in saying that Mason's smile lights up his face and the room he is in.  There is just something about it.  Okay, okay, I know every parent has this same feeling, but I just love Mason's smile!

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